Computer Science 1

This is my webpage for computer science 1. We
are studying C#. Its my second year of computer
science. It difficult to learn but its what I
call hard fun.

About page


My very first project of the year, its practicing on making labels and functions.Getting used to using visial studios

Mailing Label


In this project,I practiced more on using visiual studio and learned new mechanics such as textboxes .

Car Rental


In this project, its was more like a combination of about page and mailing label, learning new calculations and

Body Mass Index


In this project,I did more calculations and further practice in coding.

Car Rental upgrade


In this project,I upgraded my car rental project such as conditions using checkboxes.

Test Score


In this project,I practiced more coding and calculations for the test scores and learning about ranges.

Dice game


In this project,I first using picture and logical thinking to create this game to randomize.

Craps game


In this project,I first using picture and logical thinking to create this game to randomize.

Slot Machine


In this project,this is further practice on randomizing and coding more conditions and if statements

My Store


Due to some complications, the my store project was never completed

Rock Paper Scissor


In this project,I first using picture and logical thinking to create this game to randomize.This time attempting to code for two players using gaming if statements as well

Fish Tank


In this project,Its introduction on arrays. Using arrays and picture boxes for this project.

2D Fish Tank


In this project,I further extended the features of the figh tank such as adding new fish tanks annd arrays

2D Fish Tank upgrade


In this project,In this project,I further extended the features of the figh tank such as adding new fish tanks annd arrays then adding a ai program

Tic Tac Toe


In this project,In this project I again programmed for a two player game



In this project,I practice calculations on coding and futher complex arrays.

Basic AI


In this project,I for the first time introduced to key functions, learning more about programming movement and new ai program

Basic AI upgrade


In this project,In a way this is creating a game and making new forms, upgrading the basic Ai by adding bullet.

Fish Simulator upgrade


In this project,using arrays again and more conditions to code a replcation of fishing programs.

Bee simulator


In this project,for the first time I use lists coding intsead of arrays.

Final Project


For my final project I created a game using the skills I learned throughout the school year.